My First PRD

My First PRD

My first PRD about a web application (todo app).

# Product requirenment Document for Todo App

## Objective
- An application to store the daily task and to maintain the time such that a user can manage time efficiently and can mark down the completed work and can maintain the daily routine effectively.

## Scope
- Build a login page, registor page and a home page where user can create main Todos and and inside a sigle todo user can store the work releted to main todo which will called as subTodo.

- No any hashing alogrithems will be used except in registor page, so not recommended to store sensetive deatils in todo.

## Features and Requirenment 
### P1
- Showcase the todoes in the form of lists.
- A delete button is provided to each subtodo and main todo.
- A check button is provided to each subtodo and main todo which shows the complition of tasks metioned in todo.
### P2
- Maintaining order of each main and sub todo. 

## User stories and use cases
- I can manage time efficiently and can do work effectively.
- I can preplan my whole day.  

## Technical Requirement
- JavaScript
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- NodeJS, 
- Server

## Designe requirement 
- A beautiful background of a study table with dark theme.
- Section of main todo and subtodo has a background with glossy effect. 
- Delete button is of red colour and check will be in green colour.

## Timeline 
- We will take 3 to 4 Hours to complete this project.